Joining Forces for Change

Thank you

Individuals, Businesses, Service Organizations, Faith based Organization, Trusts and Foundations

Your generosity, time, talents, and gifts mean the world to us. They form the beating heart of our ability to extend crucial services to our cherished friends and neighbors. Without your invaluable support and dedication, our mission would lack the strength and impact it holds today. Your contributions, whether in kind deeds or selfless offerings, ripple through our community, creating a web of care and support that touches countless lives. Thank you for being the cornerstone of our endeavors, helping us build a brighter, more compassionate world for all.

Our Donors

  • Ronald & Rita Acho
  • Elyse Acton
  • Katherine Adamski
  • Daniel & Diane Allen
  • Rasha Al-Naji
  • Sonja Amos
  • Joseph & Marguerite Anastasio
  • Aaron Anderson
  • Kathryn Anderson
  • Melissa Andrade
  • Judith Antishin
  • Susan Aschoff
  • Gerard & Frances Ashe
  • Christian & Lisa Ast
  • Murphy Ayers
  • John & Kathryn Azzopardi
  • Diane Balsara
  • Marie Bancroft
  • Theresa & Ken Banka
  • John Barett
  • Vicki Barnett
  • Mary Barr
  • Patricia Barrett
  • John & Carla Barrett
  • Leland Bassett
  • Nancy Bates
  • Caitlin Bearer
  • Mary & Fred Beauregard
  • Carolyn Bennett
  • Dan Bergman
  • Mary Bertin
  • Jan Besteurien
  • Patricia Bevier
  • James & Lucrezia Bokshan
  • Sara & John Bowman
  • Lisa Bracher
  • Sarah Ann Bradley
  • Diane & Jim Brady
  • Sharon & Darrin Brandal
  • Deborah Brauer
  • Miriam Breslauer
  • Steven & Debra Brock
  • Julie Brosowski
  • Corinne & Aaron Brown
  • Randal Bruce
  • Tom & Karen Buck
  • John & Whitney Budzinski
  • Gary & Kim Bulson
  • Jennifer Bussone
  • Patricia & Billy Butler
  • Beth Campbell
  • Diane Cantor
  • Liz Carson
  • Starrlette & Michael Carson
  • Bill Case
  • Jill & Carlos Castiglione
  • David & Sandy Catherman
  • Mary Cavanagh
  • Scott Chesley
  • Rose & Carl Christoph
  • Beverly Church
  • Dominic & Heather Cianciolo
  • Dotty Clark
  • Leigh Anne Clark
  • Mark Coffey
  • Nathan Cole
  • Colleen Connolly
  • Catherine Cook
  • Tara Cooper
  • David Copp
  • Susan Couzens
  • Paula Crabtree
  • Erin Danis
  • Anne Danver
  • Robert & Amy David TTE
  • Patsy Debruce
  • Emanuela DeCenso
  • Jeffrey & Urzzula Dehn
  • Deichert Family
  • Chris Delgado
  • Christopher DeMartini
  • Cookie Derderian
  • Nancy & Charles Dettloff
  • Jill DeVol
  • Dan Diederich
  • Sherry Diederich
  • Mary Francis & Ben DiPonio
  • Cheryl Discher
  • Michael & Erin Dougherty
  • William & Deborah Draper
  • Michael Dudash
  • Chris Duffy
  • Jonathan Easlick
  • Douglas Edwards
  • Theresa Eicher
  • Don Eifler
  • Betty & Franklin Ellias
  • Gillian Ellis
  • Jerry & Mary Ellis
  • Robert & Chris Ellis
  • Mike Else
  • Candice Elwell
  • Thomas Emerson
  • Joan Emrick
  • Amanda Enders
  • G. Aimee Ergas
  • Melissa Erickson
  • Michele Estebon
  • Jan Evans
  • Shadie Fakhouri
  • Theresa Farley
  • Sharon & Gen Fayolle
  • Roxanne & Paul Fitzpatrick
  • Mary Jo Foley
  • Bob & Chris Fontichiaro
  • Bruce & Peggy Fowler
  • Dennis and Peggy Frank
  • Betty Franklin
  • Meghan Froelich
  • Sylvia Funni
  • Elaine & Michael Gabriel
  • John & Janice Gasidlo
  • Bonnie Gaudet
  • Nancy Gaughan
  • Marcia Gershenson
  • Julie Giordano
  • Melinda & Gerald Girard
  • Linda Gootee
  • Geno Grabinski
  • Barry Grant
  • Marion & David Grant
  • Renee & Michael Green
  • Carol Greening
  • Elaine Grohman
  • Kimberly Guesman
  • David Gugala
  • Dave Guidobono
  • Deborah Gulledge
  • Colleen Gum
  • Denise Gundle-White
  • Jerry & Dorthy Gustafson
  • Michael Gustitus
  • Theresa Gutierrez
  • Jay Haas
  • Paul & Francine Hack
  • Kareem Hadidi
  • Sara Hadley
  • Kenneth Hagen
  • Anita Hammer
  • Jacqueline Hamric
  • Joseph Hanish TTE
  • Marnye Hanus
  • Amanda Hargis
  • Karen Harris
  • William & Carol Hartsock
  • William Harwell
  • Leslie Hawkins
  • Bill Heaton
  • Patrick & Patricia Heffernan
  • George Heitsch
  • Jennifer Hemme
  • Denise Henderson
  • Anita Herman
  • Donna Hicks
  • Bruce Hillenberg
  • Ruth Hodges
  • Cathy Hoffman
  • Daniel Hoffman
  • Tom & Jude Hogaboam
  • John Holbel
  • John Hovanesian
  • David Hug
  • Janet Hunt
  • Anthony Ibrahim
  • Steven Ingber
  • Marc Ingram
  • Richard Isham
  • Satish Jasti
  • Ann Jenkins
  • Thersa Jergovich
  • Darlynn Johnson
  • Justin Jones
  • Steven Joppich
  • Christal Jordan
  • Ula Kajtoch
  • Tara Kane
  • Diane & William Kapelanski
  • Adele Karas
  • Karen Karki
  • Ronald & Josephine Kassab
  • Brian Kelley
  • Michael & Susan Kelley
  • Lindsay Kennedy
  • Barbara Kevra
  • David Kinchen
  • Dennis King
  • John & Terry Klenczar
  • James Knick
  • Barbara Koch
  • Lynn Kozoro
  • Richard Kramer
  • Rick Kraniak
  • Maria Kruse
  • Leonard Kruszewski
  • Carol Kurth
  • Anne Kurzyniec
  • Moise & Duriya Lakdawala
  • Melissa Landry
  • Gil and Marcia Lapastora
  • Suzanne & Robert Laurie
  • Anne Lawton
  • Julia L’Esperance
  • Julianne Levine
  • Kitty & Mike Liddell
  • Parsla Liepa
  • Susan Lightner
  • Todd Lipa
  • Jennifer Liptow
  • Nina Lopatin
  • John Lotocsky
  • John Lotocsky
  • Debbie Luchini
  • James Lucrezia
  • Maria Lunga
  • Frank & Geryanne Luscri
  • Richard Luterman
  • Angel MacDougall
  • Anne MacLachlan
  • Gary & Denise Maclean
  • Donald Maeder
  • Sean & Sarah Magee
  • Anne Maloney
  • Peter & Tami Mantyla
  • Maria Martienssen
  • Evelyn Martin
  • Michele Martin
  • Julie Martinchick
  • Cynthia Matuszak
  • Nadine Maynard
  • Julia Mazanka
  • Mary Ann Mcallister
  • Kevin McCarthy
  • Chris McConnell
  • Carolyn McDonald
  • Kevin McDonald
  • Linda McDoniel
  • Carol & Patrick McElroy
  • John McElroy
  • Blair & Sandra McEvoy
  • Kathleen McRae
  • Starrlette Michael
  • Cindy Michniewicz
  • Bridget Millar
  • William Miller
  • C. Elaine Mitich
  • Bob Modes
  • Joanne Moening
  • Andy Moundros
  • Danielle Mulka
  • Robert Mulka
  • Joan Mulry
  • Christine & Jon Murrell
  • Gregg & Sheryl Nathanson
  • Cathy & Tom Neal
  • Patricia & David Neil
  • Kyle Nelson
  • Mary & Kenneth Nelson
  • Marissa Nocar
  • Dr. Brian & Jackie Nocella
  • Tim & Theresa Noseworthy
  • Staci Nowak
  • Gregg & Sheryl Nathanson
  • Cathy & Tom Neal
  • Patricia & David Neil
  • Kyle Nelson
  • Mary & Kenneth Nelson
  • Marissa Nocar
  • Dr. Brian & Jackie Nocella
  • Tim & Theresa Noseworthy
  • Staci Nowak
  • Colleen O’connell
  • Tamara O’connor
  • John O’Connor
  • Dianne O’Donnell
  • Nancy Onderko
  • Sherry Orrell
  • Julie Osler
  • Kevin & Kitty Ostach
  • Rachel & Matt Ostach
  • Marla Parker
  • Janki Patel
  • Suzanne Paul
  • Ken & Laura Paulson
  • Lyn Pawloski
  • Cyndi Persitz
  • Kathleen Peterson
  • Paula & Robert Pheiffer
  • Mark Phels
  • Dennis & Lynn Pheney
  • Patrick & Dorothy Pheney
  • Matthew Pierce
  • Maureen Prest
  • Nancy & Ron Prieskorn
  • Derk & Shannon Pronger
  • Frank Pyko
  • Christine Pylar
  • Gillian Pylar
  • Abizer & Farida Rasheed
  • Lisa Rasico
  • Daniel Ray
  • Cynthia Reffner
  • William & Melissa Regan
  • Dennis Reid
  • Kelly Renaud
  • Carrie Richardson
  • Carol Robb
  • Carol Roble
  • Marcia & Craig Rodeheffer
  • Tracy Rometty
  • Sue Rose-Haitz
  • Larry Rospierski
  • Kenneth Rudofski
  • Howard & Cindy Rush
  • Charles Ryder
  • Mariyah Saifuddin
  • Charles Saliard
  • Thamer Sandiha
  • Jane & Stanley Savage
  • Michael & Dianna Sawicky
  • Robert Schan
  • Steve Scheeman
  • Jenny Scherer
  • Gary & Joyce Schlaff
  • Raymond Schroeder
  • Ted & Genie Schultz
  • Dawn Schultz
  • John Schumacher
  • Frederick Sewell
  • Rakesh & Jeevan Sharma
  • David & Jeannette Sharpe
  • Caren Shatter
  • Kari Shea
  • Thomas & Alice Sheehan
  • Renee Sheline
  • Howard Shifman
  • Susie Shonk
  • Robert Shureb
  • Tom Shurtleff
  • Amanda Simon
  • Ruth Ann Singer
  • Jack & Anna Siroonian
  • Nancy Skurka
  • Dawnne Smith
  • Janna Snyder
  • Mark & Paula Springer
  • David & Rebecca Stansberry
  • Samantha Steckloff
  • Teresa Steel
  • Steven Stimson
  • Julie Stockel
  • Sandra Stockel
  • JoAnn Stringfellow
  • Marcia Stroko
  • Joann & Jim Struble
  • Struble Family
  • Shaun Summerville
  • Lynette Swanson
  • Dorothy Tait
  • Henry Tarnow
  • Mary Taylor
  • Shirley Temby
  • Candice Templin
  • Annette Teravich
  • Erica Thode
  • Michael Thoeny
  • Jennifer Trevathan
  • Maria & Joel Turchan
  • Marcia Tyler
  • Jadan Waleed
  • Carrie & Richard Wallis
  • Michael Walter
  • Keara Warner
  • Tim Wasmer
  • Mike & Pauline Watson
  • CJ Webb
  • Jennifer Weber
  • Melanie Wells
  • Steven White
  • Diana & Jim Whitney
  • Cheryl & Mike Willette
  • Cordell & Yvette Williams
  • Meg Wilson
  • Denise Wing
  • Donald Wingard, Trustee
  • Steven Witkowski
  • Erica Woodrow
  • Bill Wooster
  • James Worden
  • Tracy Workman
  • George Wright
  • Leslie Young
  • Mark & Jody Ziegler
  • Mary Lou Zieve
  • Sister Mary Joel Zobro

Business Donors

  • AA Independence
  • Alexander’s True Value Hardware
  • American Association of University Women
  • American Legion Auxiliary Unit 346
  • Angels Saints and Stuff Inc.
  • Anjuman-E-Najimi Mosque
  • Annette Compo Home Team
  • Another Day Resource Center
  • Arch Evironmental
  • Aries Grotto MOVPER
  • Beaumont Health
  • Belfor Property Restoration
  • Bell Creek Community Church
  • Bell Forklift
  • Bergstrom Insurance
  • Berkshire Supply
  • Bill Brown Ford Inc.
  • Bimbo Bakery Blue Cross Complete of Michigan
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
  • BNI Referral Factory
  • Bricco Excavating
  • Brightmore Church
  • Busch’s Fresh Food Market
  • Cabrini Guild
  • Call to Action Coalition
  • CARES Board of Director’s
  • Cares by Design
  • Charel Saliard Real Estate
  • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
  • Cheese Lady of Farmington
  • Chelsea Milling Company
  • Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church
  • Church of St. Fabian
  • Church of the Holy Family
  • Church World Services, Inc.
  • City of Farmington
  • City of Farmington Hills
  • City of Southfield
  • Club General Motors
  • CMC Group
  • CMIT Soluntion
  • Coeus Creative Group
  • Comerica Bank
  • Community Foundation of SE Michigan
  • Corrigon Oil
  • Costco – Commerce Township
  • D & B Grocers
  • Daimler Cares
  • Dairy Council of Michigan
  • Dawoodi Bohras
  • Detroit Public TV
  • DTE Energy Company
  • Edge Fitness LLC
  • ELS Realty, LLC
  • Emmanuel Lutheran
  • Epic Refrigeration
  • Erskine Elementary School
  • Essential Family Chiropractic
  • Faith Community Wesleyan Church
  • Faith Covenant Church
  • Farmer John’s Greenhouse
  • Farmingto Villiage Cooperative
  • Farmington Area Goodfellows
  • Farmington Command Officers Association
  • Farmington Community Library
  • Farmington Elks
  • Farmington Elks Lodge #1986
  • Farmington Farmers Market
  • Farmington Florist
  • Farmington Foundation for Youth & Families
  • Farmington Hills Church of God
  • Farmington Hills Firefighters
  • Farmington Hills Interfaith Association
  • Farmington Hills Police Department
  • Farmington Police Officers Association
  • Farmington Public Schools
  • Fidelity Charitable Fund
  • First Presbyterian Church
  • First United Methodist of Farmington
  • Flagstar Bank
  • Flex Automotive
  • Forest Park Baptist Church
  • Forgotten Harvest
  • Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation
  • Freedom Gateway Center
  • GFL Environmental
  • G H Foundation
  • G. J. Perelli & Company
  • Gannett Foundation
  • Gathering Church
  • Glen Eden Lutheran Memorial Park
  • Gundle Family Investments
  • Heeney-Sundquist Funeral Home
  • Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch
  • Home Depot
  • Hope Lutheran Church
  • Huntington Bank
  • InLight, LLC
  • Interior Services
  • Islamic Cultural Association
  • J & J Flooring
  • Jan-Supply Detroit
  • John and Jean Dinan Foundation
  • JRT Agency
  • Judge Asset Management LLC
  • Knights of Columbus – St. Anastasia Council 13453
  • Knights of Columbus – St. Francis Council 4401
  • Knights of Columbus – St. Fabian Council 13362
  • Knights of Columbus – St. Gerald Council 13673
  • Know Thyself as Soul Foundation
  • Kroger
  • Lafontaine Automotive
  • Lake Lazer Eye Center
  • Lake Michigan Credit Union
  • Little Green Apple
  • Livonia Cares
  • Livonia Goodfellows
  • Livonia High Nooners Lions Club
  • Livonia Lions Club
  • Livonia Neighbors and Friends
  • LOC Credit Union
  • Lowe’s
  • Lowes Points of Light
  • Luna Entertainment-Tom Celani
  • Mastronardi Produce
  • McElroy Automotive
  • McGlinch Roofing
  • Men on the Move
  • Mercantile Bank of Michigan
  • Mercy High School
  • Metro West Credit Unions
  • Michigan Dairy Farmers
  • Mike Gabriel State Farm
  • Nardin Park United Methodist
  • National Assoc. of Letter Carriers
  • Network for Good
  • Nextech Interiors
  • Nissan Group of North America
  • North Congregational Church
  • Oak Pointe Church
  • Oakland County Veterans
  • Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency
  • OMPH Mens Organization
  • Optimist Farm Farm. Hills Club
  • Orchard Methodist Church
  • Orchard United Methodist Church
  • Our Lady Of Sorrows
  • Our Lady of Victory
  • Our Mother of Perpetual Help
  • Pace Industries
  • Pamar Construction
  • Panera
  • Paulson Audio & Video Inc.
  • Piedmont Concrete, Inc.
  • PKC Group
  • PKSA Karate Livonia
  • Premier Signs Plus
  • Priority Payment Systems Detroit
  • Quality Expess Auto Wash
  • R.A. Davis Inc
  • Rasheed & Associates
  • RCI Electric
  • Realcomp II. Ltd.
  • Rebuilding Together SEMI
  • RF Connect, LLC
  • Right at Home Washtenaw
  • Roof Management
  • Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church
  • S3 Architecture
  • Sams Club
  • Serra Ford
  • Sherwin Williams
  • Shrine of the Little Flower School
  • Sidecar Slider Bar – Farmington
  • Silver Dairy
  • Sisters of Mercy
  • Site One Landscape
  • Southfield Lock & Key
  • Speedshelf Systems, Inc.
  • Spine Speciaist
  • Spring Hill Baptist Church
  • Sringeri Vidya Bharati Fnd Inc
  • St. Aidan Church
  • St. Anastasia
  • St. Colette Church
  • St. Edith Church
  • St. Fabian Church
  • St. Francis Council #4401 Knights of Columbus
  • St. Gerald’s Church
  • St. John Lutheran
  • St. Kenneth Church
  • St. Paul’s Presbyterian
  • Steinkopf Nursery
  • Stroko/Barrett Legacy of Giving Fund
  • Suburban Cadillac
  • SVBF North -SRI Sharadamba Temple
  • Swag Consultants
  • TDA Insurance Financial
  • T.O.N.E Home Health Services
  • Table X
  • Target of Commerce
  • Tayco
  • The Americana Foundation
  • The Church of Jesus Christ FH
  • The Korner Barbers
  • The Munaco and HurchikMunaco Family Foundation
  • The Print House
  • The Sheer Shoppe
  • The Village Club Foundation
  • Thorton & Grooms
  • Thrivent Financial
  • Tisbest Philanthropy
  • Tompromo Marketing LLC
  • Trails Community Church
  • True Cut Tree Service
  • Two Men and a Truck
  • U of M – Football Operations
  • United Health Care
  • United Dairy Industry of Michigan
  • Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church
  • Wasmer Brothers Landscaping
  • Waste Management
  • Weingartz Farmington Hills
  • WIC Women, Infants and Children
  • Wright Beamer Attorneys
  • Xemplar Club of Farmington/Farmington Hills
  • Your Landscape Design – Annette Cimaroli
  • Youth United
  • Z-Painting, LLC
  • 9 to 5 Seating
  • 47th District Court

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